eric holder

You should try being an uneducated psychiatrist.

How in the world does he propose to “get Rida audited?”

I continue to be amazed that any adult finds this kind of thing entertaining...

...and THAT will be “OK,” right?

Enjoy your kale...

He can’t understand that there is anything else in the country besides LA...

That’s “different!” He’s “trained” to drive fast, that’s why he’s allowed to!!

So, you stopped in the middle of a travel lane? You are a big part of the problem.

Go to a paintless dent repair guy, and have them all done. Those guys work magic.

Just wait a few years.

Why are you sweating a hundred bucks here and there to keep a running car, that cost you essentially nothing to begin with, in decent shape? And why are you carrying more than liability insurance on such a car? Stopping that will provide you the funds to buy these Mickey Mouse parts!

That’s an old test of a CH-46, a completely different type of (twin-rotor) helicopter.

Drug cartel soldiers shooting up the streets? With “banned” guns?

For that matter, nothing suggests anything, at this point, except that the helicopter crashed.

Those vans cushioned the impact....

The only reason he gets all this (negative) attention from MSM is that he’s an ally of the US, and the self-hating MSM knows that makes him “bad”...

That’s also a lesser-used American name for them.

40 psi is too high, unless it’s a truck.

I don’t use google. So, you don’t know what “smart luggage” is, either, do you?

What the f is a “smart suitcase?!”