eric holder

Who are “they?”

No one has seen them.

It’s habit among a certain group...

nothing about any charges

“would was?”

Where are you hearing this “white outrage?” I daresay most rational people don’t give a fuck about the stupid movie. I know I don’t.

Of course, that’s not true.

...or he can do nothing at all....

I know guys who claim to have passed them. I don’t know for sure, but I know them well, and they didn’t have any reason to lie to me.

It’s going there - and lower. Just like gun bans, they’re “going to solve the problem of drunk driving” by jacking up people who have hardly had anything to drink, while the guys who are as drunk as skunks continue to do their thing.

This is at least as good as most “discrimination” arguments I’ve heard.

Ahem - we’re talking about automobiles.

That’s not trying to stop the car.

Do you realize how easy it is to look at what you typed before you hit “send?”

But he sure was able to call out on his phone! “HIGHLY trained!!” LOL!!

Dragster brakes are vestigial at best.

While I know it’s true, I would only test that on someone else’s car.

Does a column lock if the key is left in when it’s “off?”

Now that you mention that...

Unfortunately, I am sure there are going to be a number of commenters who believe the guy “couldn’t stop.”