Ah....traffic annoying - I mean - “calming” devices.....
Ah....traffic annoying - I mean - “calming” devices.....
You won’t find a car in the US without radial tires unless they were bought special for some kind of classic car, and what makes you think they’re no good for high speeds? There were no radial tires in the US before the 60s, but there were plenty of fast cars!
No, they were RESET down40 years ago, to “address” the “oil crisis.” They were routinely ignored almost immediately, and the oil “crisis” also turned out to be a scam, but the 55mph limit proved a boon to insurance companies and police departments, so they have endured. They say it’s for “safety,” but, since no one…
interstates and wide, open state highways are the only roads whereon these limits would apply.
that’s quite a leap!!
...and they don’t and won’t!
....and it generates lots of revenue.....
a number of them appear to be on this site!! They know what’s “best” for you!!
there will always be morons, no matter what the speed limit, or any other subject being discussed.
Exactly how speed limits used to be set.....
It typically does not matter to me, nor, obviously, most around me on the interstate, what the speed limit is, unless there is a cop around. If the limit was upped ten or twenty mph, the only difference in my driving would be that I would not slow down when I saw a cop.....
People in general know what’s a safe speed to drive. That’s how speed limits used to be set - traffic engineers would watch how fast people drove on a road, then set the speed to ca. the 95th percentile of the speeds they observed.
Yes - he uses his eyes!! Do you have a “source” indicating he’s wrong?
Neither Hiroshima nor Desert Storm was a war.....and Hiroshima was simply one mission!!
Also a VERY stout steel cage all around him.....
Most of these guys have NO idea that interstate spped limits were originally 70mph or more, and the roads were designed for cars of the 50s to do 100mph or so.....
Even though this sounds very carter, I think it was actually done by Nixon, just before his untimely exit.....
Please provide ANY evidence.....
I think donkey MIGHT be a European troll.....
Yes - his emotions....