Most any car’s brakes are plenty good, unless you’re going to be racing on a track.
Most any car’s brakes are plenty good, unless you’re going to be racing on a track.
PLenty of people do. They think they know more than those “factory guys.” After they spend hundreds of millions of dollars designing a car to be essentially bulletproof.
These guys are so “superbly trained,” one would think it would have been easy for him.....
lol!! It’s not HIS car!!
Which is illegal.....
the cop probably isn’t, either.....
Yes - keep believing that - that is their response.....
He probably doesn’t!
Do you really think that is the ONLY reason your CE light would turn on?
It won’t - all parts on a car are expected to work - buyers don’t care how recently they were replaced
Peel down the headliner and do it yourself!
My Saab had a similar issue, probably from the day it was assembled. One of the plastic nipples attaching the drain tube to the sunroof pan had cracked. $30 later for a new nipple (they REALLY like their nipples) , no more leak.
Why didn’t you maintain and repair that first “driveable” car, instead of driving such an unsafe heap? And, please, DON’T say you “couldn’t afford it!!”
Or, as a guy I know related, when talking about his and his wife’s choice of cars, said, “My wife insists on buying a Lexus, I just buy a Toyota. I asked her why she spends all that extra money on a car that is largely the same as mine. She says, when I take my Lexus in to get it worked on, I get a nice cup of gourmet…
The first part of your story is “amusing,” wherein you describe your father as almost crazy for purchasing cars that way.
Guys like you kill me! As if he was supposed to jump up, shout, “Oh, my God!! We’re all going to DIE!!” And run out, screaming......
I am not going to go back and check, but I would be surprised if we didn’t do a few unmanned flights of the shuttle before manning it.
What you mean is, “When YOU told a dealer you did something on the Internet, he got annoyed!”
As I’ve heard before, “They’re not coming here for fun!!”