
yeah i’m confused. laser hair removal and maybe some targeted skin lightening so the patch matches the rest of her face better?

Yeah exactly. For such a small piece of skin she can get electrolysis and never have to worry about face pubes again. Talk about needlessly sensationalising a pretty minor issue.

I mean, while it’s interesting that it’s pubic hair, I don’t think this requires anything more complicated than using a permanent laser hair removal procedure to destroy the hair follicles.  Unless there’s something I’m missing.

It’s OK, I’ve had pubes on my face too.

It’s craigslister-ese. You are looking for “brakes”.

“pump the breaks”

You park in a garage like a civilized car owner. 

Your dad honestly wasn’t that cheap, because he bought a brand new van. Anything else you want to share, aristocrat?

Alright! I’m going to say it, David Tracy needs some serious therapy! Can we start a GoFundMe page or something?

And to think all your issues could have been solved with a little maintenance and a simple valve seal job.

Not justifying running moonshine, but in this case it was more the tax avoidance. Alcohol is a legal substance, but the barriers to legally produce and sell it are very high. Unreasonably so, in my opinion.

You can boil it down to not enough failsafe, and a little too much “That’ll do ‘er!”

Should have done it in increments, not all in one fell swoop...keep collapsing the booms as the payload rises, and only keep the booms extended enough to make clearance to reduce the leverage.

Yup! They tried doing everything in one, fluid step...which was incredibly stupid. They should have shortened the booms and winched it in from their bumpers in increments.

Uhm, yeah they do. Hi, Feds.

that’s an extremely rude response to a very personal story

I guess the best distinction between pets and children is. If someone is driving down the street and runs over your child..... They kinda go to jail. If they hit your pet..... They sue you for damages your dead pet did to their vehicle.

Reminds me when I was sitting in a parking lot and a car pulls up beside me and the young boy in the back seat pushes the door open as hard as he can and it leaves a small scractch on my junky old car. I get out and tell the mom and she pretty much tells me its not her fault, the kid did it, and thats the way kids

Because my Liam is a perfect angel who would never do such a thing. How dare you imply otherwise, I should sue you for defamation and emotional distress. 

I just use my personality.