
the small engine openings allow the -200 to be fitted with a “gravel kit” that deflects debris. With a gravel kit fitted, the 737-200 can land on unpaved airstrips.”

And our 747's are retired. They didn't tip either.

Well, if you noticed they’ve been lengthening the time line for full autonomy. At one point people acted like it was just around the corner, now I’m thinking it’s 20 years out.

Tail tipping is a problem for all tricycle landing gear equipped planes. If it wasn’t for that ability they could not take off. Put too much weight in the tail and up goes the nose. Unless they are basically balanced on the main gear the tail loads are too high to rotate for take-off.

The grounding isn't a disaster. It is an inconvenience in response to a disaster. 

Thousands out in the Mojave desert waiting for this very moment...

I mean, it probably is. How many crashes are associated with the -200s that are caused by the plane itself in the past 20 years? Vs the MAX’s?

This is ridiculous, a 40 year old 737 in no way shape or form is safer than a 737 max flawed pitch control and all. 

Sensors may not have been tripped.  It's a front impact, not a rear impact. 

It’s amazing how accidents turn a kick-ass awesome day into a misery shit-fest in the blink of an eye.

LMAO, was Mark Reuss driving? It looks like the douchebaggy Corvette drivers are going to be extra douchebaggy in the Faster Fiero because, you know mid-engine.

All these pre production cars are going to be crushed anyway. 

Now playing

Or just don’t let employees drive blue ones at all

Who else is wondering which driver crossed the line?

Even the safety crew should know enough that you have to hold the button in on a push-button ignition.

While the track guys were doing the best, the driver also had no idea how to operate his car. That thing has a massive fuel pump and getting near it on fire AND running is pretty fucking stupid without full fire gear on. Never mind that it still seemed to be in gear potentially.

Seems like everyone involved was grossly unprepared and untrained for a completely forseeable problem. On both sides. But I would have to fault the track workers moreso. You've got to maintain professionalism in the face of a bit of bad attitude. 

No matter whether or not the driver was an asshole - their job was to put out the fire.

Thanks. I quit reading the article when I came to the part where it said the sine of the angle was the sq root of 2. Tilt. 

What cars engine and transmission wouldn’t be powerful enough to pull the car’s weight? It seems it would be traction limited in almost any car.