
He made it up. Like most Teslatrope "facts"

I cannot figure out why they did not use that facility aside from NIMBY.

How many of those 3500 were actually driving... you know, looking beyond their hood ornament? Identifying and predicting possible conflicts, actually paying attention to their one job?

Overall, I liked Obama’s presidency very much.

If the driver had been paying attention, like he was supposed to be, his eyes would have seen it to, and he’d have applied the brakes.

Yeah, Harry Reid lobbied for this to be built then once it was built lobbied for it to never open. 

The threat to communities the waste passes through is less than the threat of all the pollutions of the cars passing through.  

Fair enough

13 over on a 55 in Florida is probably 5-10 mph slower than traffic flow...

I’m sure they’ll say the same next time too

It’s just a minor glitch, they’ll correct it for the next time it happens.  I wouldn’t worry about it.

According to today’s Morning Shift 56% of people are ready to die on the roads in exactly the same manner.

Man...if there was only a place that was designed to house nuclear waste from the fucking start...

Literally no one wants this stuff around them. There was a site in Nevada that was arguably the best option but was shut down. So currently, a massive amount of waster just sits in parking lots. That’s a wonderful solution.

The end result of NIMBYism writ large.

It’s NIMBYism at its finest.

Yep, give us jobs building the facility and working there but when it closes down ship that shit somewhere else.

Better point 2012:

can someone help me here? it seems like the people are complaining about the cleanup and disposal of radioactive material in a landfill. But the material that is going into that landfill is already on site and has been on site for decades. This is just an effort to get it out of the open air and into a contained

I use my dog’s name for initial contact, when they call for him I just say he can’t come to the phone, is too busy licking his junk-