
Nobody buys these for the driving experience.

It IS the future!  This car is 20 years old!

Doesn’t really matter what the car is worth, unless you’re in the car-flipping business.

A friend had an early Civic hybrid, and I recall he paid something like $1300 for a replacement battery.

“...if they actually paid their taxes...”  The license to steal that is having one’s own business...

A payment is just part of their everyday life, so they don’t really care what they’re getting.

You should just keep a car for 20 or more years, as I always have.  They are AMAZINGLY affordable!

Reading comprehension is your friend.

That’s more what it is now, actually.  Mustn’t “discriminate.”

...and if the transition doesn’t occur, which it won’t, they will say “evil conservatives and Republicans prevented it.”

...and it will always be “disastrous to the environment.”

I sure can argue that, and so can anyone else.  Just because someone claims it doesn’t mean it’s true.

We couldn’t change the climate if we wanted to. Almost in the same breath as they spout the hysteria of these future climate “disasters,” they admit that CO2 concentrations were 100s and 1000s of times higher in past eons, temperatures varied widely, seas and ice covered entire continents miles in depth, etc. The

You’re not allowed to imply the water level will come back up.  This is due to “global climate change” and we MUST ban some things ASAP!!

And it will - GASP!! - believe it or not!! - be back, eventually!!

They all are floating, including the riverboat, until it took on water. That’s what those tall poles are next to everything - the buildings and boats ride up and down them with the change in water level.

You know EXACTLY what it means!!

More evidence that you and everyone else should dump “social media.”

Many very nice cars, and affordable, useful cars that would have benefited less affluent buyers, were destroyed in that debacle that did nothing good.  Thanks, obama!

Sick days are supposed to be used for when one is sick.  Leave, PTO, whatever you want to call it, is what’s supposed to be used for “time off without repercussion.”