
Or not...

So obviously illegal they’re seldon if ever charged with or convicted of anything except hurting union toads’ feelings.

All government employee unions need to be immediately gone.

In other words, they want to get paid for not working.

I have identified the elitist!

The fired guys can always come back after they leave the union.

Good for Penske!

But they didn’t know that.

They are trained to stop the threat, not necessarily to kill.

What did she kick out?  The window?  Why is there, as usual, no detail in the story?  And, is she black?  That’s usually the only reason jalopnik would run a story like this.

“I don’t want to be viewed as a victim, but that’s why I’m whining to you.”

He might be one of the globalist “leaders.”  HE needs a private plane or first class ticket to conduct his “important business,” but you shouldn’t even have a car or a gas lawn mower.

Exactly.  It’s not going to happen, but abortion fanatics will bring up any crazy hysteria.  And how would anyone have any idea who was in these cars crossing state lines?  Cars are CONSTANTLY crossing state lines!

Nobody forced the guy to take it!

Not everyone is a karen or a snowflake.

They still did it and do it.

Europeans don’t understand the size of the US, the concept of states and state governments, and rights.

What other recommendations besides the pre-flight checklist, which includes “controls unlocked?” This is the fundamentally most basic checklist item.

One of the most fundamental rules of flying is doing a freedom of control movement before taking off.  It’s just amazing how careless he was.

Those course cops sound about as competent as the Uvalde cops!