
WHY would you leave money in a bank?!

Wow - sounds like you really need to reassess your finances! Your eyes are way too big for your wallet, obviously. And I WISH I had cars as new as yours! Why would you want to replace them? Right there is a prime indicator of your problem.

I’m shocked that anyone would have to beg his wife for permission to do anything. But it’s not the first time I’ve been shocked.

I had a background investigator look at me that way when I told him I had no car loans.  He appeared to be stunned that anyone would have no car loan.

“...paid off A credit card...”

I suspect you’re in Canada where you can’t deduct mortgage interest - it’s different here.

Why?  Their situation doesn’t change.  Their interest rate is just the same.

Are you talking about barry’s party, or the recent campaign events that plugs and kameltoe held for mcawful in Virginia?

What did they write about barry’s gigantic, in-tents birthday gala?

I was waiting for the author to write that trope, but I had to wait to see your mindless comment.

What were they checking bags for?  They will say, “for security,” but it was really just to keep anyone from bringing in their own food or drink.


As usual, it doesn’t matter that it “costs more than the car is worth.” You aren’t running a car dealership. What’s important is what the car is worth to YOU. Can you buy a car you like better for less than the cost of having a good used engine installed?

Just think how many people shrillary, barry, lurch, difei, and nanny, not to mention plugs, could help with just 2% of THEIR fortune...

They don’t feel the need to consider facts.  Emotion only.

I think it is.  Depends on the circumstances.

And, of course, the implication is that the striking union people are saintly altruists who would never think of even yelling curses at, let alone throwing things or beating on vehicles of the actual workers trying to get in.

This is today’s “journalism.”

It’s much less than seven feet.

For sure. My F250 is less than seven feet wide; these cars are much smaller than that, and appear to barely fit through there.