
I was wondering, “why the high-g takeoff?”

Or maybe people don’t want electric pickup trucks.

You should have gone lemon law.

It’s called “in writing.”  It makes all the difference.

The “writing” part is what makes the difference.

Yup - we KNOW you had the “power” to get someone fired!

Wow - their boss has some ‘splainin’ to do!  Who’s the mayor?  We need answers!!

Back to your safe space, where you can pretend nothing bad happens in the world.

It is pretty bizarre...

And it still is - but a certain segment of the population has no sense of humor unless it’s mocking conservatives.

I still don’t know the race of anyone in this story, but I guess we can assume the poor, downtrodden “suspect” is black, and the cop white, otherwise we wouldn’t be seeing this story.

Imagine - he was driving slowly down a road!  What a criminal!

Shooting him is preferable?

And I presume the “suspect” in this video is black (I can’t tell), else we wouldn’t be seeing this post.

The cops are not supposed to run away from rioters, although many have been, or avoiding them completely.  And this geezer DID trip and fall after he assaulted advancing riot-control cops and they pushed him away.  They should have given him a wood shampoo...

I was thinking “garage.”

Even drove right by the guy frantically waving him down. Asleep?

I’m amazed that these cars are still allowed to be sold...

It’s always a lot cheaper than buying a new car.

His name may have changed, but his pronoun never will.