
“Unfamiliar” only to “certain” countries’ aircrews, and only some them!

So your gearing is wrong...

Many of them sure THINK they’re very scientifically sophisticated when things like the agw hoax come up, though!!

...or just know that he needs to hold down the button for x seconds.

LOL!!  This guy is as stupid as people who berate restaurant waitstaff...don’t abuse people who are handling your food or are supposed to put out your burning car!

That’s what dims want to do - in the name of “stopping global climate change,” or some such.

Oh, he doesn’t want anything like that next to HIS property. Yours - sure...

If they thought it was worth $2500, why didn’t someone buy it for that or a little less?

None of these cars runs.

...if they ran and were cosmetically nominal.

He did’st say they run.  He said they’re “runnable!”

If they’re “runnable” and “worth” as much as he’s saying, why isn’t he just selling them all for about that much over two years?

Unfortunately, it’s too likely that someone will eventually throw it in the garbage...

Next, you’re gonna say you’ve never met a hungry person in this country, or a person who “doesn’t get medical care.” Both very popular tropes...

...and very accurate for MANY marriages.

...and then a competitor steps in to take back the market with lower prices. That’s how competition works, and libs HATE it!

They should stop working for the people who are “hosing” them.

In other words, CO2 is a LOUSY “global warming” gas!

Water vapor is also an excellent “global warming gas.”  AGW hysterics don’t want to focus on that one, I guess, even though it is a product of hydrocarbon combustion, because they realize even scientific idiots will say, “wait a minute - humidity is very common every summer - I think you’re BSing me!!”

“They” don’t want to talk about that...