
That is THEIR problem!

They CAN charge anything they want.  The customer does NOT have to pay anything!

All he had to do was turn around and look at the stop sign.

LOL!! I laugh at the cops’ threatening to “...come looking for you...” LOL!! As IF they have any evidence of anything....!! LOL!!

Maybe it’s because the VP stands in for the Pres when he’s doing something else.  Also something you’d know if you’d been paying attention for the last 240 years.

Even more from Colombia...

Being alive does not mean one has been paying attention.  We’ve seen LOTS of evidence of that recently!

“We” are doing a lot more than this cocaine.  Anyone who thinks we’re interdicting more than a small percentage of the drugs coming into this country is a fool...

If you would have checked them once in a while, you probably wouldn’t have had any failed joints!

Most of those people are not of America.

This car wasn’t on jack stands.

What magnitude earthquake?

You’re just mad because he’s mocking your reflexive gun-grabbing responses...

You are supposed to use jack stands...

That is NOT an excuse!!  He SHOULD have gotten the proper tools!

...and “high-lift jacks and cinder blocks” do NOT connotate “safely jacked up.”

No one did any significant maintenance on the Metro system until about ten years ago...

There’s a reason why Drudge is one of the most-read websites by everyone, including dims...

Well, we HAVE been substantially reducing our “carbon output” over the last several years far more than anyone who has signed onto any of these stupid “climate accords,” which are just money-transfer operations to take from first-worlders and give to “developing” countries to fund their corrupt leaders’ mansions and

Probably because there isn’t any correlation?