
For you, anyway, if you continue to put your needs and priorities behind everything else.

Not so much luck as sensible decisions to live within your means.

...and they all plan to scream, “I’m a victim and you need to bail me out!!” when the time comes when they WANT to retire.

VERY similar to my situation and process to get there. People still act like it’s impossible, though...

It is not mostly luck. It’s mostly discipline and perseverance. And you have to start sometime. So many people never start saving, bemoan the fact that they “don’t have anything and ‘can’t save more,” then they go down and buy/lease another new car and buy another $1000 phone to replace their perfectly good,

Everyone has time.  He needs to start early and keep saving, and not spend so much money on superfluous crap.

No.  No one said that, there is no evidence of it, but you THINK it, and you will now claim it’s “reality”...

Or he could just tell him to let him know where he puts each car.  The idea that the manager “won’t tell him” where cars are is a little silly...

Cockfights don’t occur out on the street, where one could be just walking by or mowing one’s yard...

Why the racism?

No one said that...

This stupid law would appear to make it illegal to even walk down the sidewalk where some others are doing street racing...

Good luck enforcing a law saying it’s illegal to just be nearby when someone else is committing crime...

Because the FIRST thing so many people do with a new vehicle is to replace the “rims” to make it “cooler.”

Brand new OEM wheels and tires? I’d say so....WHO would even think they would melt down the wheels?!?!

Hmmm....I am “wondering” why they “forgot” any decent-resolution video of the alleged perps...

I’m wondering when the men-only series is being set up...

TELL me about that flip phone in my pocket...

Anybody who actually PAYS FOR a monitoring device and installs it in his house deserves everything he gets!!

Just because others do something does NOT mean we should!