

No probably about it...

They’re only repeating the mantra that’s shouted constantly to them on “social media” and msm...

Even thought they are. The facts must NOT stand in the way of the Narrative!!

It’s that or sit in the donut shop or behind the hardware shop with Roxie...

Yes, ‘cause the “browner” drivers, as you so racistly stated it, would have started shooting.

So, does including the obamma picture indicate these idiots are both obamma voters?

They still haven’t...

...and you’d still be right!

You should test drive any car for at least a few days before buying it.

When did elon start a trade war?

You MUST live in kalifornia or nyc...

Some people would believe that...

Don’t forget the tax credits that WE pay...

That was YOU, not the car!!

The tax credits that WE are paying for...

You’re right about that - just like “carbon credits.”

And how are the federal and state tax credits (that we are paying for), not to mention the high initial cost of the tesla, figured into the “efficiency” of the vehicle?

Look at that “FULL ASTERN!!” prop wash...

Did the car float out of the spot?