
This is not as bad as the plainclothes DC cop several years ago who jumped out with his gun when he happened upon a similar group of silly millennials having a snowball fight. Of course, he retired with a full pension...

rahm says, “never let a good crisis go to waste!”


...and they cheat on treaties at least as much as the russkies.

Remember - you’re supposed to blame all this on Trump...

Maybe the cop tased or shot the driver for good measure just to ensure his own safety...

In “some” people’s “mind,” that’s very true!

Did he get any of his material from biden or northam?

You should get a clue...

Or private jets being flown around by “environmental activists.”

...and think of the “carbon footprint” all that energy used created!!

Is that you, john podesta?

Nope - no car can overcome its brakes.  Now, maybe, if you were lightly applying them for miles, that would be a different story.

Yup - for minutes and minutes. Turn the car off, hit the brakes hard, put it into neutral or park. But, no. Not even the “highly trained police officer” and his friends who were among the victims of that hysteria...

I’m surprised you didn’t claim he had his hands up, shouting, “don’t shoot!”

He has a staff...

What makes you think he didn’t notice, and why is it so hard to imagine that, since it can move on its own, he’s just trying to get it home instead of paying a tow truck driver a couple hun.

They’re not exactly the most rational or intelligent people, in general.  There are some among them, and these guys are very frustrated.


He’s worm food now...