
EVERYONE knows climate change is real!! The climate is ALWAYS changing!!


I would be!!

As they probably already are...

I wish I had been there with my ratty F250...

“We’re gonna be able to buy a Ford GT!!”

Because you are not the least bit interested in being polite?

Just because they can afford a lot more for a car than you does not mean they are bankrupting themselves.

Suing does not mean winning.

And this is civil versus criminal

“cleared by a judge” doesn’t mean much of anything...

If one knows it’s not enforceable, one does not have to play Ford’s silly games.

If it’s not as cut and dried as it seems, any attorney would just say he needs to read the entire contract.

“Word” and enforceable contract are two very different things.

Is that why you became rude?

Anyone can sue anyone for anything. Doesn’t mean he’ll win.

Yes - it was called a JOKE.

They obviously know they could make thousands more of these and sell them.

What soul-sucking work it must be to be a staff attorney at Ford and being told to prosecute these cases, trying to enforce unenforceable contract clauses. I guess the money makes up for it for some of them, but it would drive me crazy.

That’s bad news for people of average height or taller.