
Watch out - some will perceive you’re criticizing an oblamer debacle, and that’s “racist!”

Yup - you might have to wait a few days or weeks to get it. The HORROR!!

But, “No one can afford to invest or save!”

Who are you to tell someone what he can’t or can afford?

What one can afford is based on what one’s situation is now. And if one thinks things might change in one to three years, that’s something one should take into consideration now.

He said eight years.

[your own research needed]

It only went back because you wanted it to go back!

Hopefully, the borrowers will be held to repaying the loans, no matter HOW long it takes! Some of the borrowers will actually have to forego the new “smart”phone every 18 months! The HORROR!!

Even some car-making ones!

But that’s not what they WANT!

Why do people “need” to be told what they can afford?

It’s OK - things are finally taking off after the previous years’ suppression.

Why is it due? It’s just starting its rebound after eight years of gloom, recession, and overregulation!

Just what do you think the hazard lights are FOR?!

Well, his grandfather DID tell him that, so it MUST be true! I wonder what car, decades ago, was the last one made with a steel tank?

More evidence that Tracy appears to be one of the most disorganized people I have ever heard of.

Exactly. I don’t know why people think AAA is going to come right away when they call. Hours is the typical wait; sometimes, in “high priority” areas, they will come faster. Why not just call one’s own tow truck on the off chance one breaks down? And, yes - of course - one should have a basic skill called “changing

Why can’t you buy TSLA?

Not quite - 20 over is “reckless driving.”