
or stop theater “security.”

They still are very subjective at various airports as to what they “make you do.” They are not supposed to make up their own rules, but they do. And, don’t you DARE question them, ‘cause they have the power to fuck up your flight plans!

Passenger distress didn’t cause the 9-11 disasters. Now, since we’ve wised up, if anyone starts causing any trouble on a flight, crew and passengers quickly beat the shit out of him. Then, people like you start crying about it being “racist” and “xenophobic!”

The random searches are part of the stupidity. Direct the searches against people who appear to be a threat!

The best way to “fix” this self-generated problem is to only concentrate on people who are more likely to be a threat. Grannies, small children, people who have clearances, etc., are NOT the problem, and should go through the “low risk” fast lane. Islamists, people who insist on dressing up like terrorists, who have

...and stop giving them billions of dollars each year in welfare.

Maybe YOUR part of the US!

Well, he IS RUDE negro...

Takes a long time to type texts...

An awful lot of people DO think we need a new word for every little shit thing that arises in society.

Whatever - you are just not allowed to have a different view.

What is probably the top rule those guys have drilled into them?

EVERYplace is better than the US, right?!

And if others’ insurance is like mine, which is pretty good, they do NOT pay if someone else wrecks it. That’s for HIS insurance to take care of!

Of course - because he’s black. But you’re not racist....

How can anyone even remotely interested in cars not know about the concept of “book rate?”

For $700?

I didn’t see anyone filmed. Any face was blurred out.

They have to test drive it anyway - they might as well do an errand at the same time. Leaving a mess is not acceptable.

Sugar is the gas wouldn’t do anything. It doesn’t dissolve. it might plug a filter.