
Those things mentioned in the article would have been pretty obvious during a test drive.

Libs do tend to feel “entitled.” Just see who’s being paid by soros, et al. to demand higher minimum wages, and to throw things and attack people at Trump rallies.

Both nests of leftist support!

Why did you have to “explain” it to your parents? You replaced it, right? After all, you were an “adult”.....

I was expecting to see several dweebs blaming this on “Trump supporters,” somehow....

Ask owebama - his IS the “most open, honest, transparent administration!!”

A Cobra (replica) in the snow? I see it has snow tires, but still...

Who CARES?!?! And, you’re probably lying!!

lol!! My CBX might get 25 mpg...

There’s no pooping fast with MREs!!

I see you’ve been through the TSA training process.

Oh, no - here we go again....

....and he’s done everything illegally possible!!

lol!! Try paying a little more attention!!

good luck with that.....even if he tried, it would be delayed, and the SC would overturn it just like they’ve overturned virtually every other of his illegal executive actions.

...and him buying his FOURTH multi-million-dollar mansion, even though he’s nearly as “dead broke” as killary was...?

It’s a lot of fun - very much like the US, but it’s NOT the US!!


And it’s not true, but it’s an easy one to claim.

Why? If this is in the US, everyone here has been required to have “affordable health care” for years, now!!