
“If it floats, flies, or fucks, it’s better to rent than buy.”

Criminal charges, hopefully...

It wasn’t well-intentioned. It was intended to fail, ‘cause oblamer and other dims are strongly in favor of implementing single-payer, i.e., socialized, “health care.”

You started out well, but then you BLEW it....!!!!

Sounds like he’s just where he needs to be! Do you want him living in his own house, driving around, unsupervised, in a car?

They only CAN go down - they have skyrocketed since implementation of the (Non-)Affordable Care Act!!!

Socialism isn’t free.

Yes - both of them. And the hubby, at least, has (probably VERY generous) union pension. And they both are getting SS. Tally up their monthly income, and you would probably be amazed.

No, no, no - “health care” has ALREADY been “fixed” remember?!?!

These people are retired. They do not need to get to jobs. They do NOT need a car. They WANT a car, because they’ve always had one, and they are too dense and stubborn to understand what they’re paying for it.

...and nothing about what they did BEFORE the synchro gear was developed....

You sound like a lib!!

Is he an illegal alien?

France has been so beaten into semi-submission by PC assholes, he feels he HAS to say it was “bacause of such-and-such diversity program.”

.....nice dream. It’s “interesting” you put so much “thought” into this....

It depends on whether one is dealing with a group of “progressives.”

they would LIKE to....

....not to mention your going down to the pokey in handcuffs....

Unfortunately, a shocking concept to so many people....

If one is pudgy, they all are, right....?