
What was obozo’s excuse? Or killary’s? And one of her lies was that she tried to join the Marines!! LOL!! As IF the Marines wouldn’t have jumped on a female lawyer for the JAG Corps!

They will be in the clear compared to when they had lunchbucket joe in the WH, and slick visiting all the time...

Why would he use another plane besides his?!

One would think the MSM attack machine would have made a big deal of that.

Funny - that’s essentially what killary’s “doctor” said in her essentially similar summary letter. Of course, we are supposed to ignore her being carried around like a sack of potatoes half the time....when she’s not hiding and resting.

like panetta?

He can do what obozo did, and INSIST NSA make him one, even though everyone counseled heavily against it.

Keep telling yourself that...

I think you’re wrong. And we said that about obola, too, and it turned out to be correct!

...thanks to UN treaties.

...and leave them out there.

What security team?


Six people out of thousands apparently agree with you...

lol!! killary was “change!!” LOL!!

They definitely tried to keep him out of sight. Almost every time he was in public, his hands and other body parts were all over some woman or girl, or he was making very racist, sexist or generally totally moronic statements that even MSM would occasionally acknowledge!

About half as long as killary....

They were racing to the polling place to vote for killary...

lunchbucket joe is asking himself the same question. He thought she was too good a candidate back when he decided not to run. He and the bern sure are annoyed, now!

lol!! You should keep an eye out for lasers from now on!!