
Austin isn’t Texas.

I would ask, “Why would anyone willingly live in Joisey?”

You have money for a house like that but you wouldn’t even spring for one correctly-sized spare tire....peoples’ “priorities” are amazing, sometimes...

....and it almost certainly involves a “smart”phone...

Let’s see - I’m supposed to be “offended,” because this “objectifies women,” right.....?

....and then they’ll steal your stuff!!

Because they are.

According to some people...

An “ethnic group” bent on thievery and deception....

Yes - and they are nasty! Go to Romania, for example, and subject yourself to them! Don’t take your wallet, and make sure your passport is safely secured somewhere not on your person!!

What kind of wacky stuff has killary’s doctor written during his life - besides his essentially similar letter omitting her health issues?

Not every state is the same as yours.

She doesn’t know what happened, she doesn’t really care, she just wants someone else take care of it for her while she goes on her way...

A woman I know hydrolocked her E320 several years ago driving over less than this running over a freeway entrance ramp. She hit it faster, of course, but that engine was BENT!

She has no idea what’s wrong with it - she just knows it stopped running, and she’s late for her nail appointment!

That’s funny - you took your hatred of US corporations over there - saving the world, eh?

....because of the oppressive, ridiculously PC culture that’s been encouraged dug the last 10 years or so...

snopes is not a good reference.

“ York.....!!”

No, it’s ‘cause she is a little homely...