
How big are the birds, and how did five become “about 50?”

And why should the author bother describing it?

What a step backward that would be.....going to troublesome carbs.....

star for “jizzabel.”

Not interested in “common courtesy.”

Who buys toilet paper on Amazon?

lol!! It’s already been stripped!!


thank God.....

Which wouldn’t be left outside - nor would any worthwhile “classic” car...

Yup - non-registered cars also need to be “screened” (that means inside or in the back yard behind a fence) here in northern Virginia, but “they” don’t do anything about it unless someone complains. I’m glad of it, because it keeps the number of junk cars in neighborhoods down. And, I’m sorry - some of you

Unfortunately, a lot of those “stancers” are not kids!!

People should ask, “Who are these 97% of scientists?” And, if these people had any education or experience with any R&D, they would know it’s ridiculous to think that 97% of scientists in any discipline would “agree” on ANYTHING!! And, finally, they should know that science is NOT belief or “agreement.”

Well, their opinion beats any mindless follower of the goracle, decaprio, and prince charles.....

At first, I thought you were talking about the “coming ice age” that was the hysteria of the 70s. And, yes, there is a LOT of “debate” on this, mainly presented by real scientists, who point out that the “global warming/global climate change/global glimate disruption” hysteria is a groundless political construct

They are not used to being someplace that’s not “bilingual,” a term which means to them “French-speaking.”

After I saw the bit about “...scientists believe south Florida will be underwater in....,” I stopped reading, but I thought the USACE started a BIG program 20 or so years ago dismantling all those barriers and dams and canals that had been put in over the decades to restrict and redirect and control the Okeechobee and

....with the implication that the kid was driving...

No, no, no - we just need to massively tax fossil fuel use and give the money to specious “green” energy scheisters.....

I wonder why in the world a fatal car crash would be news anywhere except in the local area.