
It doesn’t matter what it’s worth - all that matters is what it’s worth to YOU.

....and shoot them....

The shifter on my ‘69 F250 is bolted directly to the transmission, too....

I guess obama is trying to save every buck - or, he likes slaves.....

It was the first helicopter designed from the beginning with significant crash survivability features - e.g., shock absorbing seats.

lol!! How dare you?!?! They were JUST as interested in the UK economy before!! LOL!!

IF they do, is right....what happens when Germany, for example, leaves, and the other relatively strong countries...? What then?

Yes - the “impartial” journalists have a fave, and it ain’t “Leave.”

Facts don’t matter to a certain genre of “journalist.”

mike likes his version better, I’m sure....

I think you’ll find EU will work VERY well with UK, ‘cause they’re one of the European powerhouses. After all, they’re after power and money. Soon, others will be leaving and EU will collapse, as only the takers will remain.

lol!! Yup - you’re a dim!!

Their fortunes are going to improve greatly. And the bleaters who continue to predict disaster will shut up and claim they never said it.

lol!! As IF the vote is causing this. It just happened, and UK hasn’t left EU yet.

I think you’ll find they are cats..

People almost universally state the drivers are the absolute worst where they live - have you noticed?

I guarantee you she will SWEAR her foot was firmly on the brake, and the car “ran away with her!!”

How in the world did we EVER survive before the last 20 or so years developing the “pussified generations?!”

You should sue for “discrimination!”

Yes, but vin doesn’t know that, or much of anything, except “US bad!”