
Nope - you were the first (and probably only “hurr-durr”) with that comment!!

That’s what instruments are for!!

Engrish is the official language of international flying (except in France, of course, where it’s both French and Engrish).

People who we need to be able to defend ourselves against.

Way, way wrong color...

Are “assault rifles” legal on the street in Chi-town?

Lots of torque, though. And everybody wants to check out the Harleys!!

Who knew that Harleys (or almost any other bike) had cats?

Harleys are very quiet stock. The first thing many Harley owners, as well as owners of most other bikes, do is chuck the stock exhaust and buy a loud “performance” exhaust. I find it amusing that a lot of these aftermarket exhausts apparently REDUCE power!

This has to be Vegas.

Of course, you’re not texting while driving.....

No one paid any attention to the 55mph speed limit within about six months after it was implemented, and this trend continues. All the 55mph limit became, years ago, was a great way for insurance companies and local law enforcement agencies to make LOTS of money from the masses of drivers all traveling at 70-75

A “gas guzzler tax” does not reduce emissions. Nor will a carbon tax. Both DO increase taxes, however.

Turbine ships (gas turbines) burn fancy diesel.

And they will be significantly relaxed once time passes and people become more and more aware how ridiculous and unfeasible they are.

Only “global climate change” hysterics see the concept as a religion.

Many people can and do “doubt” “climate change.” It is not a scientific principle, it is a political movement. Science is NOT belief.

And read speeches about it - in front of the UN(!!).

It just SEEMS like it would be SO easy - and cheap!!

That is a very pretty picture. It is the kind of thing that convinces know-nothings of “facts.”