
So?! How much money dumped on repairs? And don’t forget all those “little things that don’t matter!!”


FB is not anything “official.”

Anybody who has to specify his gun(s) is almost certainly full of shit...

You MIGHT even give him some money for gas......

You stupid, bro. That’s not “speeding.” And that charge will almost certainly be quickly dropped for lack of evidence.

Correctly installed, they are not just glued.

Have a column for “number killed,” as well.

That stuff is all a result of first worlders do-gooders.....

Hot water is overrated - have you ever been to a tropical country - and not stayed in the Hilton, of course....?

But, women are so “clean” and “cute!”

Good for him - and, if it’s anything like my cleaning up the kitchen after my mom cooked, there was no real point in trying too hard, because she could NEVER help herself from going in after me and “touching up” here and matter how well I cleaned.

Both excellent choices!!

And judges people who exercise their Second Amendment right!

So many “scientists” and “engineers,” so little time.....

Many people expect that these days, and are apparently shocked when they discover the world is not risk-free!

Your English is great, and it’s better than the article writer’s!!

And there’s even MORE actually peer-reviewed research showing it’s a hoax. But that stuff doesn’t get the attention the hysterics’ does, mainmy ‘cause it’s way too “hard to understand,” and has “lots of complicated words in it!”

And you’re going to say AGW was at fault for the mammoths, sabertooths, and dinosaurs dying out? Don’t you see you’re refuting the hysterics’ arguments?

It depends on whether they can get some laws passed to tax it.