
Don’t you understand - this is “really” NEWS?!?!?! A fender bender in NYC!!

Becuase the current is following the circuit, and the ViceGrips are just observers.

You mean the people who are always trying to correct the masses’ misunderstanding of amps vs. volts?

You’re right - you were “hit” with 240v.

There isn’t any current unless it’s flowing!

Your back is only “...pushed into the bolsters...” while you are accelerating. Were you accelerating the ENTIRE time? Warp speed is estimated....

It is a pretty common belief among die Deutsche that Americans are “so stupid.” They, presumably, also think that about most others. They, however, are not nearly as sharp as they think they are....

Marchionne should have donated more to the DNC....

No one in the US needs to, for sure, but don’t try to tell dims that....

bernie is not a Republican, and he has almost dropped out of the race. I don’t know if he has, officially....

Were these plants only built in the UK after UK sort of joined EU?

Yes - please sit back, and be quiet!

Did Poland leave the EU?

There’s no reason to think he will. But there are plenty who will try to make you think he will.

He obviously understands how FREE international trade works....

Yes - EU and the UN don’t like ANYONE interfering with their desire for one world order....libs are first in line demonizing ANYONE who would DARE leave Big Brother!!

No, BLM’s Greyhound has not yet arrived.

Well, it IS largely intended for children stuck in the trunk...

Did you read the manual? I know - you think that’s a stupid question....

a jezebel fan!!