

There was even a fairly neat British drama series years ago, called “UXO.”

...trying and succeeding....

Um, eat me.

....except for all the crewmen and planes that were lashed by the broken cable...

“bolter, bolter, bolter!!”

BS. Multiple wires are there so they have multiple chances to snag one!

A car has never killed anyone.

That’s a comment I was thinking, but didn’t bother posting. It’s kinda pointless here....glad we’re “on the same wavelength,” if ya’ know what I mean...

I think I see a couple of the stupidest comments here, and yours is one of them!

I heard the announcer at the time say that’s one of the reasons he did that - to keep the en going in the right direction.

that’s a scooter

He should have looked both ways before entering the intersection....

I wish I could rely on what my “advisor” (what’s THAT?!?!) at work told me would happen in the future....

Those holes sure weren’t made when THOSE “cinder blocks” were dropped in the bed!!

Well, you are a (not unusual in yuppie world) person who considers “several bags of mulch” to be a “huge” load; that right there is the real problem you have understanding...

Why would it occur to anyone to stop diagonally in the middle of a public road to take pictures?

And God knows what was said and done (as usual) before the video started....

With double-yellow stripes down the middle?

As usual, I am “surprised” you are interested in his dick.