
Go away, nanny....

And then she goes home and tells her husband he has to get it fixed....

Especially when the obsessed person is going to up and trade it in a few years, anyway, because he’s “tired of it,” or “it’s too old!”

...and watching a movie....

What does any of that, except the fact that the truck diver obviously missed the small, probably very fast-moving car, have to do with this incident?

Yeah - different points of view from your own are VERY hard for an “open-minded” lib to accept!!

Just goes to show they’re only people.....

Maybe his head finally rolled against the brake pedal?

Maybe his head rolled onto the brake pedal....

How the hell would it “know” the local speed limit?

Thanks, Captain Obvious!!

And, I would say, showing that the guy wasn’t even driving the car, apparently watching a movie, is proof that he was at least partly culpable!

Who?! And who cares?!

The “gun lobby” doesn’t sell guns AT ALL!!

Oh, they WILL be sued!! Words do NOT remove liability!! LOL!!

And believe it or not, you can ALWAYS turn around and go back - that turn was NOT your last chance!

Good. Too bad, but good. Unfortunately, this is how too many people actually acknowledge reality.

And you probably think that was the worst problem you two will have....!!

Don’t worry - with a fiance, no pregnancy will result. They have to buy them.

He says it’s a man.