
No trunk since the C1 and until the C5. .

And, whoever said it earlier is right - the office managing this contract is going to have the same or better rate of promotions than any other - especially the military guys, who get to leave after a few years and leave their mess for others.

More likely it’s what left OUT of the contracts.

Excellent - was also my first thought.....

That kind of stuff is edited out. Notice there’s not ever a spot of anything on the floors, anywhere....

No - that happens just before the rear wheels leave the ground.

Once one is in the air, nothing one does has any effect on anything...

A fundamental tenet of motorcycle riding - gas it over bumps, to unload the front end.

“Bi guys” are homosexuals, as well.....

I was waiting to find the anti-gun rant here. I thought it would happen a lot sooner than it did - I thought we’d see it faster than obama spewed it during his “address” this afternoon. And, once again, he “forgot” to mention the islamist terrorist issue.

It’s “reining.”

It looks like an islamist terrorist.

If you didn’t understand the problem with your anemia and donating blood is the danger to YOU, you better study what anemia is and talk to your doctor to understand it better...

I was expecting significantly more “naughtiness.” Including at least a MENTION of genitalia.....

It actually is....

Or a lower cancer rate. There have been very well-respected studies of large populations exposed to significantly higher levels of radiation than background for long periods of time (e.g., “radiation workers”) who show BETTER health than the “controls!”

Readers should be asking what is the average background radiation level in various places around the world, almost all due to naturally-occurring isotopes in the ground.

I’d say they look more like MG taillights.

I think “certain people, such as your wife” are called “women.” This is not unusual behavior for many of them.

Don’t forget - only half of it is submerged in water.