
You could just be honest and say you don’t closely follow NASCAR (like me - I couldn’t name five drivers, and I sure have no idea who’s done what, but I like to watch races) - but I guess that might take you out of your “safe space?”

Germans and Russkies often aren’t very friendly to each other. And Putin speaks passable English - I wonder why he didn’t use it with them?

England tried that.....

there were 500k murders in MI in 2015? That sounds WAY too high....I wonder if the entire US had 500k murders that year.....

Gun-grabbers think it would work....

Re: the first sentence - do you really think that making something illegal means no one will do it?

There’s no current to speak of. Looks like he just drove off the side of the submerged road.

Too bad the truck driver wasn’t watching and assuming the silver car wouldn’t stop until it did or at least started to. It’s called defensive driving.

They be wantin’ to CASH IN!!

I barely know who there people are, and I got it.....

THAT’S an understatement....! LOL!!

We know this picture isn’t real, because crazy joe is wearing pants! Cobra, cobra!!

It was illegal.....and dems are all “for” keeping gambling illegal (except for state lotteries).....of course, as usual, such laws do not apply to them.


surprising? Even though lunchbucket has repeatedly and loudly stated he has a “very high IQ!”

Yes - just past the end of the 1/4 mile, the story changes significantly.....not to mention an even more significant change less than 200 miles down the road.....

I’m quite shocked he “paid!” I wonder which aide he made pony up the cash, since I’m sure lunchbucket doesn’t carry any.....

Still looking for the fascist - unless you’re talking about hellary or the bern....

“Thousands of people flooded the streets outside the Orange County Fairgrounds, as protesters mixed with Trump supporters leaving a rally held by the GOP candidate.”

congrats, I guess.....