
This is white-collar crime. And in Europe. The worst they would get is being restricted to one of their mansions every Saturday for a year.

Were all his followers Austrian?

That makes a difference to a lot of them.

Just because most people do a mediocre job and some people do a terrible job doesn’t mean it’s a bad package. Watching a presentation by someone who is a PP master is actually pretty amazing. Especially if he keeps it short....

Hey - don’t you understand that EVERYTHING that happened in the past has to be compared or judged by TODAY’S standards?!?!?!

Never heard of Keynote. I’m sure it’s wonderful, but it’s not used for presentations in government or our contractors’ presentations.

He is essentially a democrat who has said he’s a Republican for the last several years. No wonder he appears fucked up to you - and a lot of others.


It’s funny to see any liberal, let alone lunchbucket joe with the gigantic F-350 pickup DD, called “realistic.”

...or from any of his family’s private jets on the way to Europe for a ski weekend.....

The only thing better than being rich is leeching off somone ELSE who is really rich!! A lot fewer hassles!!

Really rich people won’t pay much higher taxes. They will get around much of it, as they do now.

WHy would she ask that? Was she that ingnorant of the concept of states within a republic?

One could replace the “movies” and “nap” with “golf,” and one would have obama!

It was his mother who had a problem. Since, of course, one’s own experiences are EVERYONE’S experiences, the extrapolation was made.....

Yes - and isolationist. But, we don’t talk about the racism, in particular, becuase of the magic “(D).”

....or, rather, at least one member of that generation....?

You’ve never changed oil, have you?

It even says to do that on the side of most filters! Always has, in my experience!

Maybe he didn’t specialize in oil changes...