
Don’t forget the massive taxes.


What a nice little Gestapo boy....

Yes, but so many people, like their father and grandfather, like to say, “My old XXX was built like a tank!! I hit one of those cheap YYYYs, and they had to tow it away!! I drove my XXXX home and just had to polish the bumper (and get all my front teeth replaced)!!”

Luckily, most people are not self-centered, materialistic’s not as if he did anything to cause the flip-up. Who left the hood unlatched?

lol!! Too funny!! And he would do just that!! LOL!!

speak for yourself....

...and making coffee.....

You sound like slick.....

Well, stop it,’re also annoying me!!

Why would punks like that even have been wearing them?

Who are “they?”

More importantly, where in the story are details about what the alleged victim did before this dude shot him? I’m SURE he was just sitting there, calmly, and apologizing.....

Did you start looking both ways before proceeding through intersections after that? Even if your light WAS green?

I’m not so sure it’s illegal if the owner does it himself...

Why would you “get to pay for it?” They wouldn’t “write anything off.”

....and texting.....

He’s still learning (or refusing to learn) that everywhere is not the same as where he was born and raised.

Fortunately, we’re not like these fine “other countries.” Yet.

Revenue generation. Plain and simple. And they’re not legal.