
Lol!! At first I thought it was a Prius. Not much difference. And I’m sure he still thinks it wasn’t his fault, because he’s an “intelligent, thoughtful car buyer!”

It’s called personal property tax, and lots of states have it. You oughta move from the town in which you were born and raised. There’s a whole big world out there......

We have - Yucca Mountain, even though it’s already under capacity. And the “geniuses” in charge - led by reid and obama, have kept it from opening, just as it was completed and licensed for use. Thanks, obama.....

And there was essentially no worry or planning about how they were planning to clean it up when they were finished at Hanford. they were on a MISSION!

As IF people a couple of hundred people would even be worried about nuclear waste. Knowledge and technology will have probably advanced far enough that they will be LOOKING for such radioactive stuff here and in space, because it’s their best source of 100% cleanenergy....


he sniffed it

I think you watch and believe too many movies.

Messy and confusing.

Thag was a mindlessly liberal attack post. I am used to you.

There’s an awful lot of “hold my beer and watch this!!” behavior amongst our “heroes” during their training. They’ll crash anything.

1000 volts sounded awfully low. Especially since their house power is 220v or so.

Is that you, bernie?

Ask many a squirrel and bird who’s been zapped to smithereens by touching the wrong thing by climbing around on or sitting on wires.

Except the boyfriend/husband, but she probably would have sprayed and prayed.....

You need to move.

No BMW driver (the car never does anything) did anything bad to any bike riders in this video.

Me: see assholiness on the road, snort, snicker, think to myself, “Why can’t the cops who like to sit on the side of the road and give me occasional speeding tickets be here?” and do absolutely nothing else.....

He was confronting the guy after he had hit his vehicle and run...

They started walking away when they saw her with the gun.