
They are not responsible for his torts.

Not that that matters in this case, since the kid is already rich from Walker’s estate, but that’s why one has life insurance. What if Paul wasn’t riding with a rich guy (and Paul wasn’t also rich)?

He was a passenger? Are you high or something? And, if he said something like, “Nail it,” it’s still the choice of the driver whether to do it.....

It’s hard to sue Rodas - he daid!!

If he wasn’t rich no one would have sued him.

IF you’re riding with a rich guy, your family would have the same chance. It takes deep pockets. Can’t get blood from a stone...

“protecting and serving.” Are you “proud” of that, BTW...?

I didn’t even consider that. Of course, they “didn’t have time” to do a BAC on him, “...because of the extreme emergency!!”

Their ultimate response was, “Think of the children!!”

How many times did he tase her and demand she “stop resisting?!?!”

Does “large-framed” mean he is extremely fat?

One would think that someone who had that problem would not be allowed to drive a cop car, or have a gun.....

So, is “texting one’s girlfriend” now considered a “medical emergency?” Has his phone(s) been confiscated?

He’s still wishing - WISHING, that NASCAR is something it isn’t.

I have lived in virginia for thirty years and seldom obey the speed limit. I have certainly gotten a few tickets, but just that - a few. As usual, I think your problem might be your assholy squid driving “style,” not the admittedly draconian traffic laws in VA.

That’s too much trouble - sitting by the side of the road with a laser or radar gun is much more lucrative - and the cop can text his girlfriend and watch porn while he’s waiting for the alarm to go off!!

or, it doesn’t pay to just deter people from speeding - writing paying paper is much more lucrative!

But they will NEVER admit it - the public statements are all about how they’re “catching speeders to keep the roads ‘safe!’”

Yes - the dems are pushing for one right now...she has a good chance.....

Excellent - that would significantly reduce the number of car thefts and high-speed chases!!