
Someone who CLAIMED to be an “aerospace engineer.” Which is kind of an old-fashioned term.

Whew!! Did “badass” take you out of your “safe zone?” I hope he didn’t “trigger” you?

The Metro IS automated. The drivers are only on there for special situations and for when they diasable the computer control after an incident, to make the ign’int feel better.....

Nope - not in Boston. Essentially illegal. Therefore, there’s no gun crime.....

And you still don’t! You need to verify it yourself!!

Good for you.....

And from inspector to inspector.....

not quite yet, but it will be.....

It was hardly “grisly.” It sounds like he peacefully dies from illness, and he rotted. Word to others - that’s what happens to everyone and everything after they die - it’s not “grisly.”

It did say he “cleaned it up,” which implies he didn’t shoot himself...but the article was not very clear in a lot of ways.....

“Saga” is one word for it. “Scam” is another.....

I understand that a lot of Uber drivers are off-duty (presumably) cab drivers.

He’s in Canada!

I have heard of some cab companies in the US developing apps, as well.....

Libs do NOT like people telling them they can run their own lives.....

Sounds like it’s time to dump all those onerous taxi regulations.....


No - Canada is “bilingual,” so BOTH are EQUALLY acceptable, right?

OMG. Were you able to go to your “safe place?”

Step 5. Prison for fraud.