

...and to work in!!

is he smiling?

try it!!

Me, too - they have come in handy when I’m in my work clothes and have gotten the one or two rare flats over recent years....

They work well for all kinds of dirty little tasks; and car chores, as well!!

$150 is WAY too much for a vacuum.....

Cheap as ever, at Walmart, anyway.

please send pictures as proof.....


Entry-level jobs, and all things like mowing grass, etc., pay much more today, as well. Buying the new Camaro today might even be easier than it was for him to buy that TA then. Of course, the kid would have to get a job(s) - that seems to be an increasingly unfamiliar concept wrt the kids I am around these days - not

If he’s been going 63, they might still be alive.

No, but the injured person or his relatives might. We don’t have standing.

As my personal law professor said, “You sue the FAT CAT!!”

SHE is not suing - someone else is on her behalf.

Not likely, unless he’s paying them ahead of time to pusue it. It’s usually done on a contingency basis.

Is there anything like a statute of limitations on such a civil suit?

They probably don’t pay anything unless they win the extortion.

And the tires were nine years old.

Unfortunately, the point is not whether there’s real negligence. They are playing the classic “tort roulette,” hoping to get Porsche to settle because defending against these buzzards will end up costing more.