Now I think you all are city slickers!!
Now I think you all are city slickers!!
You're a city slicker, aren't you?
know how to take the water temperature thing. I sort of thought it was a joke, but I'm not a self-centered prick..... are birds in general....
....not to mention those who would vote for
try "Hindu"
You sound pretty guilt-ridden!
Yes - I actually overheard a woman at a clinic asking whether a medicine she was supposed to take had sugar in it, because "she had just found out she was allergic to all forms of sugar."
Not to mention that "organic," by definition, means "containing carbon." Doesn't matter much to most people, however......
lots of PC people won't get that.....
Don't criticize - it's "bullying" and a "trigger!!"
Google it. You're kinda young, aren't you.....(I HOPE!!)?
He is DEFINITELY not alone!
Do you live in a box? Can't you look up pictures of things? I'm guessing you're too dense to be able to read much.....
No, but I think world might actually revolve around you.....
At least he now knows that pork - especially bacon - is delicious!!
....that DELICIOUS stuff.....!
I refuse to believe that a woman who eats a big meat patty with some cheese on it "doesn't know" she's eating meat.....I REFUSE to believe she's that stupid.....