e holder

how retarded.

Get out with your idiotic nonsense.

I’m no Republican but you’re a clearly a party line retard. Well done.

Can you really say that you are paying them to pump your gas if the surrounding area is more expensive and you have to pump your own?

If I saw a document like this I would take my business elsewhere, because it sounds like this person doesn’t want the business in the first place.

At 98,000 I unhooked the speedo.. suckers..

Partisan hack.

Seems like an intentional attempt to drive away customers that bring high mileage cars, without turning them away outright (is there a law against refusing service in NJ?). Otherwise don’t see the purpose for this.

Keep your political shit out of our cars.

Honestly NJ is a REALLY shitty state, no fault state, shitty drivers, shitty state overall. I lived there for 2 months and absolutely hated it.

Lol, Statistically since its Jersey, its most likely Democrat there buddy. From Wiki:

I don’t get it.

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This is Jalopnik, you’re looking for Gawker.

droll troll

In other words, respect the machine, and it will respect you. Don’t ignore what the machine tells you; disregard will certainly be a painful experience.