

Gillys! Do you listen to the Gilmore Guys podcast? I’m obsessed...

Thank you!!! I was so excited to read and then it was such a downer of an article. And haven’t they announced that it’s 4 90 minute episodes? So, no research was even done?

Please do! It would be nice to hear from someone who actually liked/watched the show :)


Is Mariah Carey’s quote about Nick shade?! I feel like it is.. “...eager to please” lol.

Did you even watch the show? Brendan has great lawyers on his case and if Steven gets out then Brendan will surely get out as well since their cases are connected.

love hawaiian rolls and crab rangoon. One time after I finished finals in college and was packing up, I decided to treat myself to an order of crab rangoons. I assumed I was just getting the appetizer size of 5-6 rangoons. When I picked them up it turns out I had ordered and paid for the party platter of rangoons lol.

Also, it’s like the prosecution is the boy(s) who cried wolf. After they lied and manipulated evidence so much, how can I really believe anything from them anymore? “Sweat” DNA...ok...

If you watched the show, you know the rape happened. But Steven didn’t commit it, Gregory Allen did. The police had Gregory Allen’s name and chose to soley go after Steven Avery. While Steven spent 18 years in jail, Gregory Allen brutally raped two other women. All was presented in the series.

Exactly, they spent 10 years documenting this series! If fame was only what they were after, they would have stopped long ago.

I also feel like the prosecution was constantly protecting their own asses. They were proving that the police had nothing to do with it rather than proving that Steven DID.

Exxxxactly, why are people insisting that the filmmakers are responsible. Aren’t the lawyers and police the responsible ones? But they chose not to participate. Drives me batty.

This so many times! I actually feel like the filmmakers kept themselves out of it (didn’t provide their theories like Sarah from Serial and didn’t insert themselves in the series like the producers of Jinx who you see on-screen), they are just presenting what they saw happening around. To me, the point isn’t is he

lol thank you for this.

THIS! As a woman who has had her “spidey-senses” activated when someone’s behavior has seemed out of the ordinary towards me, I must say it’s sad that guys just don’t get it. Most of them I have told stories to (guy friends, even boy friends) think I’m making things up since nothing “ACTUALLY” happened. But I know I

Ugh satin/silk is so unforgiving. Can’t.

It’s a completely different experience, I have no idea why people compare the two.

If you already love spin, this will get you sooo hooked. And the price hurts.

I just ordered a high waisted swim bottom online and can’t wait for it to arrive! I’m still skeptical because I have stocky legs and I never know how things will will they cut me off in a weird place? But your comment has me excited!