Who spends all that $ on headers, exhaust, and intake and doesn’t bother to re-tune the engine after?
An almost-10-year-old Italian car... what could POSSIBLY go wrong?
Agreed. That’s why I drive an ‘11 C63 now. Get one! 😎👍
You should be aware of a common quote about meeting your heroes...
I’m averaging 12MPG in my 100K+ mile C63.
If those are your goals, aim higher... much higher.
Is the not-tacky-garbage dress hiding behind the is-tacky-garbage one in the pictures?
As a VQ fan, I must violently disagree.
2016 engine... 1996 headlight covers, taillight covers, and body-coloured wheels.
If you buy this for your kid, you must hate him/her.
The Karma is the Kim Kardashian of cars.
Well, it doesn’t have enough torque to spin good tires.