Eh eh ron

What exactly is “seducing an unmarried woman”? I’m totally willing to believe that these guys committed sexual assault, but sounds like a hella weird crime.

Gruden face level:

That field truly looks like it had played host to one of the most savage tank battles in modern history which is weird because the Raiders-Cardinals game isn’t until Sunday.

Mike Meyer’s Kinja account is revealed.

a tight end. McVay enigmatically offered only that the name is no accident.

i thought the Raiders might be decent this year. Boy is my face red.

You don’t. If he gives us an unpronounceable stage name, we give him a different one. He’s ‘FaceTatPedo’ to me.

SixixNineine. If anyone tells you otherwise you know they’re a credulous sap. 

I think people are pissed because his actions amount to saying, “You don’t want me as a judge? Fine, I’m gonna release a bunch of potentially violent people into your community.”

I just wish he’d be honest with his fans. If he has no intention of finishing the books, that’s fine, just say so and let people move on.  I don’t think his fans are owed the books but I do think they’re owed honesty and I don’t think he’s being honest.

Any Democrat who uses the word “bipartisanship” needs to be politely escorted from the building and cordially asked to never return.

I hate to be cynical, but part of me can’t help thinking that the typical Southern football coach leans right politically, and isn’t all that interested in encouraging a group of young men who might vote Democrat to vote.

Longest. Nihilist. Arby’s. Tweet. Ever.

On the flip side, it gave us a fucking great burn from the local Detroit paper.

The Jets meet the Bills next week.

Now that the Lions are indisputably bad, can we go back to asking Matt Patricia about those sexual assault allegations?

I really wish someone would pull that stick out of Joe Buck’s ass, and then beat him to death with it.

Yes and no. Yes, equal enforcement of the law. No, no one should be arrested or spend a night in jail for splashing some fucking milk on someone.  Fucking mail her a citation for disorderly conduct and be done with it. 

He could start for the Bills tomorrow

Fuck your “Well actually” horseshit.