Eh eh ron

I’m not sure about that. If anything, the Republican party does seem to go out of its way to be charitable to black Republicans, I think in an effort to go “we’re not racist, we have black friends”, which is how you end up with Ben Carson being treated as a serious presidential candidate.

“Well there were ten of us, so I only lost 1/10 of my virginity, and I rounded down for the Fox interview."

Again, a beard is a beard. In this case, a rape beard. 

300 k’s is still really hard and the decreased workload of starters makes it harder, but hitters care less and less about striking out and k rates are at an all time high, so that mitigates it a little bit.

Terrible comparison. Cosby actually encourages women to use the pill.

The good people of Minnesota should definitely not spend any time thinking about how the offensive line is so bad that it has the potential to sink an entire season. They should definitely not consider the fact that Kirk Cousins may be sort of a head case who isn’t actually good. Do not think about those things,

“helping a company you believe in” and “performing free work for a company because they need more sales staff but don’t want to hire them” are very different.

I think they were planning to have him confirmed before October. Doesn’t the Supreme Court start a new season of hearing new cases in October?

or, like, people with children? people with familial bonds and healthy emotional relationships? People who don’t post stupid fucking comments on nerd blogs?

Apple knows how to up its game, though. I’ve gone from being satisfied with my lack of an Apple TV unit to being downright ecstatic that I don’t have one.

The thing is as a teenager I was drunk at a lot of parties and yet a friend and I never held down a girl and covered her mouth to keep her from screaming. Strange...

Being a working class person in this country sucks and we are backsliding towards the 19th Century in terms of our working conditions.

The Rockies are going to let the Cardinals sneak into the damn playoffs and the NL is so bereft of quality teams that this feels like one of those years those bastards will somehow find their way into the WS. Which at least will give me a good reason to root for the Red Sox or Astros to turn them into mincemeat. If we

Wait a second... black people go into white neighborhoods to buy drugs??? I thought black neighborhoods were supposed to be filled with crack dens and drug runners. Why leave the hood?

They need to start fining people for calling the cops unnecessarily - especially on POC.

Hazing: gang initiation for rich white kids.

“Dear Penthouse,”

31 year olds shouldn’t be friends with 14 year olds, that’s weird as fuck, full stop. If that’s all it is, simply friendly advice, it’s still weird as all get out and we should be shaming Drake for it. 

Also, it kind of hurts your eyes to look at - and that never goes away! 

That joke needs attribution, because it’s obscure enough that most will not know it’s not yours.