I'm just tagging this to see what they/you say tomorrow so I can have a good laugh.
I'm just tagging this to see what they/you say tomorrow so I can have a good laugh.
Same with the 3G, 3Gs, and the iPod touch. [www.everymac.com]
Actually, it was. [www.apple.com] They don't put the numbers on the iPad just like they don't put them on the iPhone. By your statements, there is no iPhone 4. [www.mobileguerilla.com]
My favorite phrase. Every time I laugh like Bevis and Butthead.
Dude! Those were amazing! I want one!
That subject almost makes no sense.
BUT that doesn't mean that EVERYTHING will be 4 times the size. The code for the apps doesnt increase, the sound files don't increase... just the images.
The iPad 3, now with iShit! All I know is iWouldn't buy that lol.
I wish my MacBook Pro was black...
HD for HighER Definition
Never noticed that either... Good catch...
I feel retarded now... I didn't get the significance during the Windows 7 beta
Second that! Sounds interesting
Awesome! I live in Bowie! Good to see a fellow Bowieite out and about on the interwebz... I grew up half in laurel though, so I've embraced the fact that I'm a PG County kid... although I'm a good one...
She was amazing in Iron Man 2. The length helps... but shes hot either way
This movie really needs to be like 4 hours long
10 bucks says he didnt... in fact, 10 more bucks says he didnt say nuclear either: "hands a teller a note demanding cash otherwise he will detonate a "nuclear weapon""
Gotta love the good ol PG Co! my home sweet home.
That, my friend would be a thumb. [en.wikipedia.org]
Hahaha, always read to the end.