
Well he should have had the courtesy to back out of the frame... cuz it was annoying

Agreed... They should definetly re-record this without that

Amen! I love her makup-less look a ton better

O.o DUDE! That's amazing!!!!

Exactly my thought... When I saw "super cheap" I excitedly scanned the first couple sentences only to find out the cost only to find $50 off. Letdown... You can get more off for a refurb.

I see what you did there!

The main issue with a longer range is the possibility of missing. I agree with some of the other people that it might have slowed down the bullet some, BUT would that matter if it somehow missed and hit some uncovered part of his body? No. It could potentially kill him.

Bahahahahahaha thats great!

That's possible. But then again... maybe he doesn't have a pig carcass lying around lol

Very true! funny, but true!

Eh, it was a test... he wanted to test the pressure behind it... honestly i think that testing this from point blank is better than testing it by someone aiming a gun at his mug and potentially missing the vest.

But if no one has protection, all the people who illegally acquired them know that theres no fighting back, so they can do as they please.

Amen! thank you for having some sense!

at least... I'd say around 1.5, but definetly sped up.

They did. you can tell from the formation flying and how fast theyre wavering... and at 1:17 his head whips back and forth really fast

Aaaactually they did. you can tell from the formation flying and how fast theyre wavering... and at 1:17 his head whips back and forth really fast

Preach it yoda! and I find it kind of strange that he used the laser from the gun, but I don't have a problem with it. Guns are useful tools, and if he had it loaded and off of safety and he pulled the trigger, he would be buying a new fishtank, so that's his thing lol.

Can I have a few more arrows? JK, thanks!! This is really good info that I never knew! Those apps are full of secrets, thanks for bringing them to light.

A penis I'm guessing