
Very true

What whynotsyracuse said! It has a heartbeat before you know its there. A heartbeat defines life. Just because it can't talk or do anything productive doesn't mean its not a person.

Good point, I do have one of those too for my PC and it is fast. But in comparison to most mice I've ever used, the 2 finger gesture from the bottom of my magic trackpad to the top in a fast motion will scroll way faster. I use 3 peripherals on my MacBook Pro when I'm at my desk. An Apple Wireless keyboard, a Magic

I heard he wanted too much money for the second film.

I just typed up something in response to this about the iPod Touch and iPhone scrubbing for movies and music and accidentally clicked cancel, but I'll type up a quick summary: They did this already. On both of those devices (and maybe the iPad) you can grab the scrubber, drag it down, and it'll change the ratio from

It seems like a lot of tech articles are doing that now.

I scroll 100 times faster with a magic trackpad than a mouse... but I agree, I still love mice.

Bahahahahahaha thank you. Made my day.

I really want SSD when I can afford it because I hit the max on my hard drive's in/out speed about once a week on my MBP haha. Very true about eating into their income, but maybe a few would get on board in a small sense like a couple have with the iPad and create some really cool stuff and still make some money off

I, and many other professional users, use every port this article calls for removing simultaneously on a daily basis. I was not saying a MacBook Pro has ever had all three of those ports. They used to have a DVI port though. I'm saying that they're adding to the adapters I'll need to carry with me. I use the optical

I'm not saying that the SSD will be as low as the HDD immediately, but they're a big improvement and I would like to see the cost of them to go down. Also, the prices of HDDs are on the upside right now because of the manufacturing issues in asia because of all the disasters. The costs for an SSD aren't up to par yet,

Not really. Think about it. The price range for iOS devices is $129 (yes the current iPod nano counts in their iOS numbers because it does run iOS) through $829. The CURRENT Mac OSX devices cost $599 through over $15,000. Macs have always been fairly expensive and iOS devices have been relatively cheap. Some people

Amen! It's kind of like how architects still use paper and pencil for some plans. Sometimes the old way of doing it is the best way, and in the cases you mentioned... the only good way.

I love my MacBook Pro and my iPhone, but I'm with you. (see? not all of us get freaked out protecting Apple haha) I use command line and you know what? Its fun sometimes! It allows me to do some stuff that both Microsoft and Apple don't allow you to do directly. Locking everything down is just asking to be hacked and

I'm with @Pr.Sinister I thought I was all alone...

+1!!!! Agree 100%!! I can't stand when people say that command line is dead or a desktop gui is dead. I use it every day and it is far more efficient for MOST content creators. I love consuming content on an iPhone or iPad or any new type of interface! Creation is still very hands-on and "nitty-gritty" which you can't

I COMPLETELY agree with most of this!

ORRRRR separating out the Pro and standard lines like they used to! Pro is called Pro because it had more features for the professional users. Don't take the Pro edition down to standard levels because everyday people are buying them, provide another option for everyday people that is slimmer and lighter and doesn't

So now I carry my nice thin laptop, but I'm not sure what I'm going to need when I get onsite, so I'll also carry my optical drive adaptor, my ethernet adaptor, my FireWire adaptor, my VGA adaptor, my DVI adaptor, and my HDMI adaptor in my bag. Suddenly this super thin laptop is in a bag thats as heavy as my old

Bingo. I think the same thing and was going to post it if no one else did. They need 3 levels. Netbook-like MacBook Air, standard-laptop-but-still-superthin MacBook, and MacBook Pro with all the ports you could need and an optical drive. The MacBook Pro has become the standard macbook, which is why people keep saying