
Just watched "The Witch", and although i liked it quite a bit, at its conclusion i had a bit of a "hmmmmm" reaction, so i can understand why some viewers are perplexed by the film. So here's my take:

Just finished watching the 2nd season — thanks Donna for this great analysis, and all the previous ones! I love your point about how the long scene with Chuck at the hospital, which makes it painfully clear that his suffering is real to him, sets us up for his faking at the climax. And your insights into Chuck's need

Good Lord, I love this interview! Thank you so much. Jawbox and J Robbins' other bands are always among my favorites and it was extremely fascinating to get such a detailed insight into how this classic disc was put together. The insights into the collaborative process — the discussion of Zach's incredible drumming —

So i'm just now catching up on Season 1 of BCS, and even though i am late to these comments, i have to share my delight with someone (because my wife won't watch it with me). Like many, it seems, the spin-off idea seemed a bit dubious to me, but now that i'm up to Ep.7 i can see BCS really as its own creation rather