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    Time doesn't seem to be operating the same way it did in the original series, which had a little-discussed proto-24 gimmick — every episode of Twin Peaks represented one day of time in the town. When an episode of the original series cuts between multiple storylines, these are all meant to be occurring on the same

    I didn't realize there were ever haters of the Just You scene from the original series until this episode aired. I always thought it was especially haunting once we know Maddy's fate, because after she's killed it's just you (Donna) and I (James). There's a reason Bob shows up in that scene.

    Kind of weird how James Hurley drew the same crowd as The NIN.

    It was one thing when all the characters were lecturing us about what happened twenty years before the pilot, because there was no other way to convey that information without lots of flashbacks.

    I think what they're going for is that Three Eyed Bran is so all-seeing that he also understands the many ways in which the Starks are not innocent in any of the political chaos that's occurred in the last 20 years. He therefore doesn't possess, say, Arya's obsession with vengeance, because Arya's perspective is so

    I thought it was Dickon but too lazy to freeze frame.

    She could probably have bought a few hundred DVD copies of Never Say Never Again and Casino Royale instead of paying those legal fees.

    Yeah I don't get the franchise's obsession with overexplaining the original series' budget limitations.

    I don't think we're seeing Melisandre again until the final battle with the White Walkers. She basically got that whole scene just to tell the audience "Don't mind me, I won't show up again until it's important to the plot." Also, to let us know that Varys will die in the last few episodes.

    So he was worried about people mis-naming him?

    Euron reminds me a little bit of Jack Welker from Breaking Bad. They realized they needed a new villain with eight episodes left after killing off every other meth rival, so why not put a swastika tattoo on some guy's neck, so we know he's a bad person?

    I agree they're going to do something lame like this, but I think it would just be hilarious if he runs away every time his life is in danger over the remaining episodes, and he survives the series.

    Skull is "in the spirit" of poop. It's not merely bad by Indy standards in the way Temple is, it's an objectively bad movie that somehow nullifies all of the goodwill Harrison Ford had accrued by appearing in about a dozen classic movies.

    I guess he can't do much until Dougie turns back into Cooper, so they have to keep him offscreen a lot.

    It was pretty jarring to see how petty Dany is about bending the knee and the independence status of the North given what we know about the White Walkers.

    On an island with no trees!

    Euron invented teleporting ships and nobody is giving him any credit for it.

    Jaime was already pretty sure that Tyrion didn't kill Joffrey. I don't know that Cersei will really believe it was Olenna even if Jaime repeats every word of that conversation. And Tyrion already knows what his sister is — there's no forgiving some of the other things she did. I think he's Team Dany until the bitter

    Trump was able to force his miserable wife to wait until he's out of office before filing for divorce, though. He's probably shaking his head at the Mooch for not putting a White House clause in his pre-nup.

    GoldenEye is the first Bond movie where Bond doesn't spend a good 45-60 minutes hanging out with the villain. Particularly in the Connery era, he's always playing golf, sipping drinks, and making small talk for long stretches of the movie.