Yasahme Ahmed

Thatis one reason why I am celibate. You just can’t trust men these days to be faithful or honest. So not worth it. Women trust way to easily.

This scumbag is as evil as they come. He knows where that baby is and won’t even tell them. This is just insane. What kind of family does this? No one is being cooperative any more. I hope they find little Maleah. She deserves a proper burial. That's the least we can do.

They'd be happy as clams with a pair of maggot (I meant maga jeans). Some people really need to get a life.

The ugly witch should have been fired. She most likely hates the fact that no Black man would want her pale white ass.

This is the most ridiculous thing ever. White people get away with murder everyday and no one has a problem with it. This Black man allegedly files a false police report and they want to bring out the guillotine. That just goes to show that White people hate to lose. I am glad the charges were dropped and I am quite